What Is Growth Hacking?

Every once in awhile a new buzz word will start hitting the business world, and with online marketing and ecommerce now the big thing, it is usually within this genre that the most talked about become known. One suck word that has been making the rounds the past few...

10 Cool Pinterest Plugins for Your WordPress Blog

Pinterest is hands down my favorite social media site. Sure, Twitter is great for the hashtags, and Facebook the definition of the perfect all-in-one social website. But there is just something about that unique format, and the thrill of a more visual site. Just the...

5 Funniest Google AdWords Ads

Google AdWords are something we always expect to see now. Sitting in the sidebar of a search, the top results features, sitting somewhere on a webpage…we just know it is going to be there. Half the time, I know I don’t even notice them. It is as though my...

Keyword Research: Two Unusual Resources

“Check what keywords your competitors are using, and build better content to win their traffic.” Sound familiar? While that statement represents one traditional approach to keyword research, it could also kick off a losing battle. You really want to be where your...

Are Reviews Getting Even More Important?

It is quite obvious that Google is beginning to put more importance on the use of reviews. It is all about trying to narrow that gap between the social web and ecommerce, where sales themselves are becoming more and more social in themselves. Just look at the...

Republishing Content: The Right Way to Do it

To totally misquote Barbie, “Writing original content is hard!” Well, if it was easy, anybody could rank, right? When you need to create something new on a daily basis for your blog, it’s tempting to find a great piece of work and just copy it. That’s...