Google Hiring Privacy Professional

You may recall the announcement recently about Google’s agreeing to pay a $22.5 million fine because it violated the privacy of users of Apple’s Safari browser. That’s one expensive mistake the search giant doesn’t want to repeat. You can check...

Google Acquires Frommer`s Travel Guides

Terms for the deal were not disclosed, though the Wall Street Journal claimed that Google paid around $25 million for the travel guide firm, citing a person briefed on the deal as its source. The WSJ also reported that Google wanted the business to help it attract...

Google to Pay Record Fine Over Privacy Violations

Google had promised not to monitor the online activities of Safari browser users as long as the users didn’t change their settings to permit such tracking. The FTC alleged that Google broke this promise by placing cookies on the devices of Safari browser users...

Google Dumps Three More Products

For the most part, the products Google is ditching either duplicate the functionality of more popular services, or haven’t become as popular as the search company hoped they would. Google revealed the list in a post on its official blog, and also explained why...

Panda 3.9 Update Out This Week

You can check out Google’s tweet on Panda. In addition to announcing the news, it links to a pretty extensive Google blog post that offers guidelines for building high-quality websites. It’s worth noting, by the way, that the tweet describes this as a New...