Location Matters for Online Ads

Before I get into that, let me give you some numbers to back what I’ve said about online advertising. If you’re still convinced that print will always be bigger than the Internet, think again. It’s growing fast – and this year, according to...

Is Google Plus an Empty Hangout?

For myself, I have to admit that I rarely check out my Google+ account anymore. Even Debbie Ohi, a very talented friend of mine who took to the new social site like a duck takes to water, wrote in a public post that as much as I prefer Google+’s interface to...

Engaging Ideas for Viral Content

It’s hard to resist something that encourages you to interact with it, or that seems to be interacting with you. That’s why video games are so much fun. And when we’re having fun with something, we naturally want to share it with others. The content...

Tips for Google+ Beginners

Memorize and Make Use of Keyboard Shortcuts Shortcuts are a great way to increase efficiency and save time. Google+ has some shortcuts of its own that you can learn and employ while using the social network, so getting to know them from the start is beneficial. For...

Tips for Google+ Beginners

Memorize and Make Use of Keyboard Shortcuts Shortcuts are a great way to increase efficiency and save time. Google+ has some shortcuts of its own that you can learn and employ while using the social network, so getting to know them from the start is beneficial. For...