Social Media Fights Eye-tracking Golden Triangle

Matt McGee over at Search Engine Land reviewed an eye-tracking and clicking study conducted by Mediative, formerly known as Enquiro. The research firm used its Tobii eye tracking technology to study how people interact with Google Places listings. Since location-based...

Prepare for Cyber Monday

As Siddharth Shah noted on Search Engine Land, it’s a tricky balance. Spend too much too soon and you might suffer a lower ROI and not have money left for Cyber Monday. Spend less and you might be missing out on consumer volume, he observed. Crunching the...

WordPress SEO Without a Plug-in

Thus, if the developer has failed to update the plug-in over time, it can fall victim to security vulnerabilities that could in turn result in your WordPress website being compromised by hackers. Like all code editing, it is extremely important that you back up your...

What SEO Practitioners Can Learn from Wikipedia

Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia. It is still one of the leading online information resources, with over 77,300,000 indexed pages in Google. Wikipedia also earned more than 680 million visitors annually by April 2008, according to this source:...

Twitter Unveils Web Analytics Service

The new service is the first fruit from Twitter’s acquisition of BackType back in July. BackType, you may recall, is the social analytics company behind both BackTweets and Storm, tools which mined Twitter’s tremendous flow of data so that website...