Google Link Warnings: Should We Worry?

You can read the full Google+ post from the search engine’s head of webspam control. The gist of it is, in the past, Google sent out these warning messages when they were taking action against a site as a whole; this latest batch of messages, however, got sent...

Internet Marketing Through Seventh-Grade Eyes

You can read the full piece, written by Glen Gabe, and the thoughtful comments on it. The article almost made me wish I was back in seventh grade at a similar presentation. Back then, though, computers were just starting to be used in the home – never mind the...

Matt Cutts Delivers Keynote Interview at SMX

Matt McGee live blogged the extremely well-attended event, which kicked off with a parody video of Matt Cutts clips assembled by Sam Applegate. Danny Sullivan and Matt Cutts came out to a stage decorated, appropriately enough, with stuffed penguins, highlighting the...

Good-bye Google Places, Hello Google Plus Local

Greg Sterling gives a full review over at Search Engine Land. It’s a pretty dramatic change, and a big help to Google+ users who might patronize these businesses, as well as the businesses themselves. Users clicking on the Local tab get a list of recommendations...

How Google Changes Its Algorithm

When it comes to his work, Singhal really is the human search engine. He’s been working on unpaid search at Google for more than a decade. He dreams of creating a technology similar to the computer on the starship Enterprise, that can answer questions such as...