Google: Government Surveillance Increasing

Governments all over the world want to get their hands on user data from Google for a variety of purposes. Google started tracking the number of these requests in 2010, and has released these numbers in transparency reports every six month. This week, with the search...

ICM Registry Launches XXX Search Engine

Unlike searching for erotic content in Google, however, lets users search only those sites that end in .xxx. This particular global top-level domain, just approved by ICANN in March of last year, has been designated for adult-themed content. The general...

News of Qihoo, China`s Newest Search Engine

This change didn’t happen all at once. In fact, it’s pretty recent, dating to mid-August. Like many browsers, Qihoo’s offers a search box that lets users choose which search engine to use. Forbes notes that the company changed its search box, giving...

Yahoo CEO Search Ends With Marissa Mayer

Mayer arrived at Google back in 1999 with a master’s degree in computer science from Stanford. A math whiz with a photographic memory, she managed the launch of more than 100 features and products at Google, including Google News and Gmail. If you like...

Google Content Experiments: Test Your Site for Free

You can read Google’s blog post about the new offering. Google Analytics Content Experiments lets you quickly and easily offer your visitors different variations of your website, and check to see which ones lead to more conversions. For example, if you want to...