The Hard Truth About Penguin and Panda

You can read for yourself what Martinez has to say, but I must warn you, it’s a bitter pill to swallow. The truth usually is. So, if I may mix my medical metaphors, I’ll rip off this adhesive bandage really fast: The quickest, fastest, easiest, least...

Malware: What to Do If Your Site is Infected

You can check out our latest thread on this topic. The original thread poster is really suffering, as his website has been affected by malware three times now. Be sure to visit the thread and share your experiences with malware and preventing infection. We’ve...

Interview Questions for Your SEO

Every other person you hire to help your business in some way goes through an interview process. It shouldn’t be any different for an SEO. Indeed, you should give the questions you plan to ask (and the answers you receive) a great deal of thought. Your...

Write Content For the Four Buying Personalities

Once again, I owe a hat tip to Stoney deGeyter for discussing this point. In his article, though, he draws indirectly on a philosophy dating back to Hippocrates. Back in those days, and for a long time afterwards, doctors believed that both illness and one’s...

Write SEO Content for Your Visitor`s Goals

Stoney deGeyter covered this topic recently. He approached it from the perspective of building a mental image of visitor personas. You form a persona based on a visitor’s motivation. What do they need? Why are they on your website? Once you can answer those...