The Subtle SEO Aspects of Site Design

So your website isn’t performing as well as it used to or as well as you hoped it would. You think the SEO might be to blame. So you ask for a review on an SEO forum and you’re told that your site looks horrible and needs a complete redesign. But...

Creating Link Bait: Do a Little Brainstorming

This subject came up recently on our SEO Chat forums when one of our members sought some help with building link bait for a client in a rather industrial line of work. The company in question offers wholesale goods in the electrical field. How, exactly, does one make...

SEO Review: Get Multiple Perspectives on Content

Stoney deGeyter explained in an article on Search Engine Journal that you really need five different pairs of eyes to look over any piece of content: the copywriter, the SEO, someone who can consider its visual eye appeal, someone who cares about usability, and a...

Squidoo Lenses: Worthwhile for SEO?

That’s a question that came up recently on our SEO Chat forum; you can check out the thread yourself. It got a lot of our members talking. So what’s the consensus? As you’d expect, it’s complicated. Many Squidoo links are nofollow. Because of...

Adding Languages Without Losing Page Ranking

You can check out the full thread at the link. While we’ve already seen some replies, we’d love to see some more. So don’t be shy; join the conversation! In the original post, cypher6x explains that the website he’s currently working on...